August 2022

Dear friends,
Summer is an interesting time with regard to ministry and mission; for some of us it is an opportunity for holiday and rest. While for others it is a time of summer clubs and holiday activities in the life of the church. Whatever your August looks like I pray that it will be fruitful.
Thank you to those who were able to attend the Vision Evening last night. This was part of our transiting into an association relevant to the 21st Century; if you were unable to make it or would like to remind yourself of what was said you can catch up here: www.thenba.org.uk/updates
During the evening we announced that after 10 years of faithful service as Regional Minister: Mission Enabler, Revd Paul Revill, will be leaving the NBA at the end of December 2022.
We will be having a leaving service for Paul on Sunday, 4th December, at 4pm at Heaton Baptist Church. Please do save this date in your diary.
Closer to the time we will let you know how you can contribute to his leaving gift and how you can share your memories and share prayers for his future.
We also announced that from January 2023 we are hoping to have called people to some new and exciting roles across the association which will help us embrace our vision and values fully.
These roles are:
- Children, Youth and Families Facilitator
- Justice Facilitator
- Local Pioneering Facilitator
- Local Pastoral Facilitator
- Renew Wellbeing Facilitator
If you would like to apply for one of these roles and you can find all the information on our website: www.thenba.org.uk/joinin
We also announced that Joolz, who has been doing an amazing job supporting us with our admin during the interim period, will no longer be supporting us because we have called an administrator to work 4 days a week for the association starting in September.
As you can see by the developments in the team from 2023 it is with mixed emotions as we say farewell to Paul and welcome a new team, however, we know that God is preparing the way for all of us and we appreciate your prayers in this process.
If you would like to chat about any of these developments then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours in Christ
(Transitional Strategic Regional Minister)
Upcoming Events Firestarters – Book your place! ![]() BOOKINGS are being taken for the NBA Firestarters Conversation on Monday 19th September and Tuesday 20th September. (Venue to be confirmed). Alex Harris, of Firestarters, who is the YBA’s Regional Minister for Pioneering and Church Planting, says: “Firestarters isn’t a conference – it’s a grassroots friendship of growing Baptist churches helping other churches to grow through honest, open conversations with church leaders and teams. The Conversations offer unique space and support to discuss God’s direction and movement for your church. At Firestarters a few churches share stories of growth experienced by the move of God. These stories, often coming from very ordinary churches, can give your team a real lift!“ Anyone with a passion for seeing churches grow and people coming to know Jesus is welcome to join in! Book your place here. |
July 2022

Easter blessings from the NBA Hi all, Welcome to our NBA E-News for April 2022! Thank you for being patient with us over the past few months as we streamline the admin to make it easier for you all to access. We have been really excited about how God is moving in our association and it is a real privilege to serve you as a team. We recognise that April is a busy month as you prepare and lead Easter services. As a team, we are praying for you all that in this season you will experience the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in all you put your hands to. We pray that in the coming weeks you will have time to rest in God as you celebrate this season. Blessings, Rev Hayley, Regional Minister: Transitional Strategic Leader Upcoming events … Ministers Continued Ministerial Development: IN our April CMD session we will be joined by Hannah Fleming-Hill, Digital Missioner, who will be exploring with us how to build discipleship online and about digital mission. This will be followed by a question and answer session. This is a free event, however, it would be great if you could register here: https://www.thenba.org.uk/bookings Safeguarding Level 2 Training: We have added more dates for Safeguarding Training. Level 2 will be done first and then we will roll out Level 3. More information can be found via this link: https://www.thenba.org.uk/safeguarding And remember you can book and pay online through the NBA website – click here. Firestarters’ Conversation – Save the dates! Thursday 5th May and Friday 6th May, morning and afternoon at Heaton Baptist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne. This is a gathering for church leadership teams, to help envision you to see more baptisms over the coming year than over the past five years. We will hear stories from churches which have grown significantly over the past few years through people coming to faith and explore what are the key factors enabling this conversion growth. You will be assisted in a process of considering what priorities, strategy and processes to set in place in your own church to enable more fruitful evangelism in the coming years. The conversation will be led by Rev Alex Harris, Regional Minister for Church Planting and Pioneering in the Yorkshire Baptist Association. More information and details of how to book in will be coming soon! Smaller Churches’ Gathering: APOLOGIES that we have had to rearrange this event, due to Covid affecting several people involved in delivering and hosting the evening. We will be rearranging this for later in April and will send out publicity as soon as the revised date has been finalised. Social Media: YOU can keep up with all the latest information on our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube) find us by searching for The Northern Baptist Association. Supporting Ukrainian refugees THE NBA is looking to play its part in helping and supporting refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. Many of our churches are responding with fundraising and sending necessities. At the moment, we’re still in discussions ecumenically and nationally about how to offer community sponsorship for a group of refugees – more information will be coming soon. In the meantime, please visit the Baptists Together website Ukraine pages for more information. News from Baptist Insurance Competition time! APRIL sees the launch of Baptist Insurance’s “Tales of Technology Competition” for Baptist places of worship. There will be15 Regional donations of £500, plus a further £1,000 for the overall national winner. Check it out here. In His service, Your NBA Team Copyright © 2022 Northern Baptist Association. All rights reserved. Our registered office is: NBA Registered Office, 1st Floor, Block C, The Wharf, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancs, BB11 1JG The Northern Baptist Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital. Number 04340889 and a Registered Charity Number 1092595 |

Rev Charles Whitfield was ‘the most significant person in Baptist history of in North East England’, a minister who came to a Baptist conviction of faith in his teens and joined the Baptist church in Newcastle (to which Westgate Baptist Church is the successor), and who served in Hamsterley for fifty years until his death 200 years ago in 1821. He was an evangelist, preacher, organiser, educator, and was instrumental in reviving the Northern Baptist Association as a fellowship of churches.
Inspired by his example, this prayer pilgrimage has been routed to commence in Newcastle and finish in Hamsterley. We will visit several Baptist churches en-route, a number of which have historic connections with Whitfield’s ministry, meeting leaders and members of these churches for prayer and reflection. We will talk and pray on the way, considering what of Whitfield’s legacy is relevant to us today, what is God speaking to us in these days as we start to emerge from the Covid pandemic, and also considering our future as we enter a significant process of review and transition under Hayley’s leadership.
We will also enjoy some the North East’s superb landscapes and visit some of its historic centres. It’s an opportunity to receive from God, to enjoy fellowship, and to grow a larger vision of our Baptist life and witness. And to get a little fitter as well!
Full details and a booking form are contained in the pdf file below:
Regional Minister Induction
A special welcome message from Rev Hayley Young can be found on the NBA Facebook page here

Reverend Hayley’s Induction as the new Transitional Strategic Regional Minister for the Northern Baptist Association is on Saturday 2nd October at 3.00pm.
We wanted to make sure there was room for everyone to be included; we also understand that many people still do not feel comfortable with large physical gatherings so we have decided that the service will be online via zoom.
It would be great for as many of our churches to be represented.
The service will include:
- Worship
- Prayers for Hayley and the NBA
- A message from Rev Phil Barnard (Regional Minister London Baptist Association)
- An opportunity to hear about the role from Rev Tony Ruddle (the Moderator of the NBA) and from Rev Hayley
You can join the Zoom Service via the following details:
Direct Web Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5777623739
Meeting ID for Zoom App: 577 762 3739
To Join via the Phone: +442034815237
Please do share this invite with all those in your churches.
Elaine Webster
NBA Admin Support
Dear Friends,
It is my joy and delight to announce today the appointment of the Rev Hayley Young as our Transitional Strategic leader (Regional Minister). This decision was taken at our Assembly last Saturday with overwhelming support by those present and is more publicly made known today.
Hayley comes with gifts that fit her for this role and will compliment those of Paul Revill as they share in leading our Association.
Between her interview and our Assembly Hayley was also elected to be President of Baptists Together for 2022-2023. This enables both local and national strategic influence to work together. We believe this juxtaposition of appointments has resonance with the word that Lynn Green gave to the minister’s conference last year.
You can find Hayley on the internet if you want to see more of her message to the Baptist Union at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H0z7CXZRUI&t=1s
Hayley comes to us from the South Wales Baptist Association and we appreciate that for them and Rumney Baptist Church her departure will have mixed emotions. We pray that they will find much blessing in their new future in God’s plan.
The SWBA team with Hayley put out this announcement today with a real sense of humour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mihz7d8CBpg
Please pray for Hayley and our team as we make all the necessary arrangements and in developing deeper relationships with each other and yourselves.
It is our intention to purchase a home for Hayley to live in and we ask that you consider as churches, individually or have any suggestions to help us raise the finance for this. The possibilities are a one time gift, a pledge over time, an interest free loan, or one with very low interest for an extended period. Perhaps even transferring some investment form elsewhere to help the NBA at this time. But please ensure that in doing this you do not divert any money from the giving towards Home Mission.
Yours with thanks to God for His provision so far.
Tony Ruddle (NBA Moderator)
A message and video from out outgoing regional minister John Claydon
Twenty years have flown by! In March 2001 I had attended the interview for the post of Regional Minister Team Leader during the day, and in the evening was preparing to leave the house to chair a Church Meeting at Durham City Baptist Church. Shortly before leaving the house Paul Merton, a friend from teenage years if not earlier, and also the Moderator of the Association, rang to inform me that I was to be recommended for appointment to this ministry. I had enough time to tell Janet, Yvonne and Tim, but then I had to go and chair the Church Meeting as though everything was normal.
Life and ministry was going to be different. I had experience of translocal ministry in the East Midlands and was glad and excited to have the opportunity to serve the NBA. It has been a great privilege and I have been blessed to serve with so many encouraging and supportive people. It has been a wonderful experience to serve amongst and within the churches, leading many inductions, seeing manses decorated variously for different ministers, seeing churches bounce back after distressing times and seeing ministers grow and develop. There are many stories that I would love to share, but there is not the time. God has been faithful in so many amazing ways.
Thank you
Thank you so much for your friendship, encouragement, support and partnership in the gospel over all these years. I am very conscious of all the help that has been given and that very little, if anything, is down to one person. As an Association we should be grateful for the many who serve behind the scenes, whose roles are unsung, and yet their service is a great blessing to our common life, to the mission of many of our churches and the support of many who minister amongst us. So, a big thank you to all who help and serve in any way.
Thank you for the gifts, comments, cards and messages that I and Janet have received as I approach retirement. Your kindness is really amazing and they are all very much appreciated. I am very grateful!
Different contexts
All ministry brings its challenges and demands, as well as privileges and encouragements. This is true of regional ministry as well as local ministry. I have missed the local opportunities of baptisms, weddings and funerals etc. although I have been involved in a few of each. On the other hand, it is great privilege to share in ordinations, inductions and other times of celebrations for churches and ministers. Different relationships develop across the churches and beyond the Association which bring great opportunities to walk with people, offer guidance and support and to see God at work enabling churches to move forward in God’s purposes. It has been my privilege to represent our Association in the wider life of our Union and in ecumenical circles, all of which has enriched and developed my ministry and helped with local situations. The opportunity to engage in further study at Durham University has been a personal blessing and, I hope, richly equipping for my ministry in the Association.
The Association Team has changed, and changed again, over the years with different people and configurations, yet we have always kept a focus on mission, equipping, supporting, and being there for ministers and churches. Each person who has shared in the Team has brought their unique gifts, insights, wisdom and vision to enrich our life together. The ‘paid staff team’ has been supplemented by others and well supported by Moderators, Treasurers and others. I have not named people here for fear of missing someone out. Whilst we can talk about the Association Team it is important to remember that we are all one team in working together for the gospel and God’s mission.
Our Association life has been enriched by a range of partnerships; some were initiated by others outside the Association Team and others from within the Team. Obviously our most natural partnerships are with fellow Baptists in our Baptist Union and with BMS World Mission. This has included helpful collaboration with other Associations and with Northern Baptist College which has been particularly useful in supporting Newly Accredited Ministers and the establishing of a route for Baptist ministerial formation at Cranmer Hall in Durham. Beyond our shores we have had good links with American Interim Pastors Ministries based in Texas which has enabled a several Interim Ministers to serve our churches, enabling them to move forward in their life and mission. Also, and again in Texas, we have had a mission partnership with the Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association which led to mission teams visiting our churches to stimulate and enable mission, and to teams from the NBA visiting Texan churches. Our link with Lithuanian Baptists has continued for over ten years with visits both ways seeking mutual encouragement, support and help in church life and mission. We have continued our partnership across the denominations, seeking to support one another in God’s mission, find ways of acting and speaking together, praying for one another as well as supporting those churches which are local ecumenical partnerships.
God’s blessing for the future
There is so much to say and so many to thank. There are so many individuals who have been a blessing to me and our Association life, too many for me to mention here, but I greatly appreciate all that has been done and recognise that we are family together in the mission of God. That mission continues as we follow His lead. Now we enter new chapters: for me this takes me into the new calling called ‘retirement’ to see what doors God would open and what new opportunities may come; for the Association the configuration of the Team changes with a renewed emphasis on dreaming for a new future and the strategic transformation God would bring about in the NBA. I have been blessed in so many wonderful ways on this journey and in our partnership in the gospel for the past twenty years.
God bless you all as you seek His will for the future as an Association, in each of our churches and in all of our ministries and opportunities of service.
Yours in Christ
John Claydon Retirement
As the NBA are not currently in a position to offer the printed version of their quarterly newsletter we have attached their latest NBA Newsletter and hope that you will still enjoy this edition.
Please feel free to share this newsletter with family, friends and all who think may benefit / enjoy it.
Please find attached flyer advertising the online NBA Spring Assembly which is taking place over the weekend of 23th to 25th April 2021. Please feel free to advertise this within your church communities.
Details on joining instructions will be sent nearer the time.
We look forward to you joining us.
Elaine Webster (NBA Admin Support)